Visitor Policy

Admission Policy

At Dashmesh Public School, we prioritize the safety and security of our students and staff. Our visitor policy is designed to create a safe and conducive learning environment. All visitors to the school premises are required to adhere to the following guidelines:

Prior Appointment: Visitors must schedule an appointment with the school administration or respective department before arriving at the school. Walk-in visits may not be permitted to ensure minimal disruptions to the learning process.

Visitor Registration: Upon arrival, all visitors must sign in at the school’s main reception and provide a valid photo ID for identification purposes. Visitor badges will be issued and must be visibly worn throughout the duration of the visit.

Purpose of Visit: Visitors should clearly state the purpose of their visit and the specific areas they wish to access within the school premises. Access to certain restricted areas may require additional approval.

Supervision: Visitors are requested to be accompanied by a school staff member during their visit to ensure compliance with the visitor policy and maintain the safety of all individuals on campus.

No Unauthorized Photography: Unauthorized photography or recording on school premises is strictly prohibited to protect the privacy and security of our students and staff.

Respect for School Rules: Visitors must adhere to all school rules, policies, and guidelines during their visit, including dress code, smoking restrictions, and parking regulations.

Restricted Access: For security reasons, certain areas of the school, such as classrooms and administrative offices, may have limited access to visitors. Access to these areas is permitted only with prior approval from the school administration.

Safety Measures: In the event of an emergency or security threat, visitors must comply with school staff instructions, evacuation procedures, or safety protocols.