Class Nursery

Annual Syllabus - Session 2023-24

Class: – Nursery

Subject- English


(i) Standing lines
(ii) Sleeping lines
(iii) Slanting lines
(iv) Half circle
(v) Full circle
(vi) See and write
(vii)Match letter to letter
(viii)Match letter to picture


(i) Prayer
(ii) Early to bed
(iii) ABC
(iv) Rain, Rain
(v) Here we go Round


(I) letters A to H(Identify letters)
Subject- Hindi


(i) खड़ी लाईन
(ii) सीधी लाइन
(iii) तिरछी लाइन
(iv) आधा गोला
(v) पूरा गोला

स्वर अक्षर:-

(i) देखकर लिखना अ आ ऊ
(ii) मिलाना
(iii) सही अक्षर पर गोला बनाना

मौखिक बाल गीत:-

(i) प्रार्थना
(ii) मछली जल की रानी है
(iii) तोता
(iv) हाथी राजा
(v) पानी बरसा छम छम
(vi) आम
Subject- Mathematics

Draw the:-

(i) Standing lines
(ii) Sleeping lines
(iii) Slanting lines
(iv) circle

Number 1 to 5

Circle the number

Count and write

Match the correct number

Oral 1 to 10


What is your name?

What is your father name?

Parts of our body:-

How many eyes, ears nose do you have?

Fruits name

Vegetables name

Flowers name

Subject- English


(i) Standing lines
(ii) Sleeping lines
(iii) Slanting lines
(iv) Half circle
(v) Full circle
(vi) See and write
(vii)Match letter to letter
(viii)Match letter to picture


(i) Prayer
(ii) Early to bed
(iii) ABC
(iv) Rain, Rain
(v) Here we go Round


(I) letters A to H(Identify letters)

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